Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, you will find the answers to many commonly asked questions.
Introducing voluntary registration has started a process of transition. This is the largest change to directly affect the practice of musculoskeletal treatments for animals, as separate from the provision for human patients, since the original Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order in 1962.
We are very pleased that our Gold Standard has been accepted as representing the appropriate level of professionalism, that the majority of practitioners have committed to the Gold Standard, and at the support we have received from many organisations.
However, this form of self - regulation is a fairly new concept in the Musculoskeletal Practice Sector and we recognise that there will be uncertainties in the process and its implementation, we understand that there will be natural concerns about how this will affect individual practitioners, training courses, owners and others in the industry.
Below, we answer some of the more prominent questions. If you have anything more specific, please contact us.
Does RAMP prevent people from working with animals?
No. That is not our aim, and we do not have the power to prevent anyone working.
We expect that RAMP will help to raise the standards of practitioners to those that Veterinary Surgeons and owners will recognise and feel reassured by. We would expect that as a result, everyone concerned will emerge from the current confusions created by the wide variety of qualifications and the lack of clear distinctions between them, and the result will be a coherent high standard of care from practitioners.
We anticipate that Veterinary Surgeons will then feel more confident in the quality of work provided and more interested to use the relevant benefits of musculoskeletal treatments for their patients. It is likely that they will become more willing to refer to practitioners listed on the RAMP register and therefore, in the end, more animals will get good musculoskeletal treatments.
For those practitioners not eligible to be listed on RAMP immediately, who already have training that does not reach the standards set by RAMP, there are various options:
1. To take a conversion course.
RAMP does not propose to create conversion courses, provide them or assess them. We will however, be pleased to sign-post such courses for people who may wish to take them if providers lay them on.
2. To apply for the RPEL route.
The assessment of Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning is a process used in many educational settings to help people make best use of their previous relevant experience. We will provide an Application Form and Information Sheets.
For those currently enrolled on a training course, it will be important:
1. To check with their course and ascertain how the curriculum fits with the standard set by RAMP and discuss with the course management their plans for adjustments affecting the current cohort.
2. To consider their previous relevant experience and prepare for the RPEL Application to support their training when they apply for registration with RAMP.
3. To gain extra experiences that will bring their CV closer to the RPEL standards so that they are as best prepared at graduation to apply to RAMP.
Does RAMP prevent training courses from operating?
No. That is not our aim, nor do we have any powers to inspect or intervene. However we are pleased that many training providers ask for their courses to be assessed for conformity to the standards.
Training providers are independent commercial or charitable concerns, subject to relevant laws and to normal market pressures.
We set out with the hope that the Gold Standard that we have set would be useful to the industry, and we have been pleased that this has worked well:
1. A national guideline that owners and professionals can rely on.
With a single industry-appropriate target for training course outcomes, course designers can align their provision to be recognisable and reassuring to Veterinary Surgeons and consequently therefore to students.
2. A useful point of reference to create conversion courses.
Following suitable comparative evaluation work, new courses will address a need as practitioners respond to industry movements to realign with RAMP standards.
We therefore hope that the training establishments will check whether their courses meet our standard, and make suitable adjustments to their curriculum, clinical practice and assessment methods.
Does RAMP replace any professional associations for animal practitioners?
No. That is not our aim, nor will we provide the benefits of professional associations.
Professional associations are independent commercial or charitable concerns, subject to relevant laws and to normal market pressures.
We do hope that RAMP will provide a beneficial service to musculoskeletal practitioners by clearing the path for owners and vets to make use of musculoskeletal treatments more often.
Does RAMP change animal owner's rights and responsibilities?
No. That is not our aim, nor do we have any powers with regard to owners.
Owners rights and responsibilities are governed in the main by the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
We do hope that owners will gain reassurance from the clarification of what has previously been a confusing situation. In turn, we expect that they will find it easier to find appropriate musculoskeletal treatments for their animals, secure in the knowledge that all those listed on the RAMP register are properly professional to a standard that vets find appropriate.
Does RAMP act as a regulator of musculoskeletal practitioners?
Yes. It is our aim to uphold the highest quality levels with all practitioners voluntarily signing their commitment to our Gold Standard. However, we have no powers to enforce this standard onto practitioners who wish to work to other criteria.
The treatment of animals can only be done with the permission of the registered Veterinary Surgeon under the Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 2015.
Veterinary permission is not required for maintenance or performance enhancement care for healthy animals.
We are pleased that musculoskeletal practitioners accept that it is in the interests of the animals and owners that the high standards set by RAMP are recognisable and acceptable to Veterinary Surgeons, so that they feel confident to refer safely.
Does RAMP help animal health and welfare?
Yes, that certainly is our aim.
Only Veterinary Surgeons have the power to decide on what treatments their patients receive.
However, it is the aim of RAMP to make the standards of musculoskeletal practice more understandable for both Veterinary Surgeons and owners, so that registered practitioner's competence is clear. This will help to make them easier to use in every - day practice.
The previous confusions about musculoskeletal practitioners' qualifications, professionalism and competence had allowed concerns to grow, which meant that vets may not have recommended these treatments when they were appropriate.
The RAMP Register enhances animal welfare by giving vets new reassurance that registered practitioners are a reliable source of professional help. This should disperse these concerns and allow animals appropriate access to these treatments
What does RAMP provide?
RAMP provides a publicly accessible Register of regulated practitioners whom the public and veterinary professions can be assured are well trained, insured and meet strict standards of proficiency and professional conduct.
Who are the RAMP council?
For more information please visit our council page.
How do I complain about a registrant?
If you have a complaint regarding one of our registrants please fill our the form on our complaints page.