National Equine Forum 24

Posted: 10.03.2024

Last year our President Jo Paul was invited to present at the NEF 31st annual conference. This year we were invited as guests, so Jo and our newly appointed Vice-President Lucinda Stott, headed down to Westminster for the 32nd annual conference.
This was Lucinda’s first official event as VP although she has been a large part of the marketing team since last year. This was a fantastic opportunity to meet other industry leaders.
Lucy Grieve of BEVA gave an insightful talk regarding the role of the multidisciplinary team working in collaboration around the horse and owner. This concept very much aligns with RAMP thinking.
In addition, it was great to discuss topics on welfare, sustainability, trade, industry accessibility, the role of allied health professionals and the Olympics.
Lots of informative conversations and new introductions were made, and a truly productive day by all.